TM Forum Models
in System Architect


TM Forum Models in System Architect

The TMForum Frameworx a pre-built set of patterns of Business Processes, Services, and logical Applications that are typically used by Telecommunications companies, which help jumpstart an Enterprise Architecture effort. The models provide a basis upon which users can build their own Enterprise Architecture using the patterns as a guide. The prebuilt models have been built, and are continuously added to by the members of the Telecommunications Forum. We have seen many users whose business is not Telecommunications, use the models to jump start their EA effort -- as the models take into account business services that many industries use.

The TMForum Frameworx is provided in UNICOM® System Architect® via a pre-built encyclopedia created by field services team and available for download from the UNICOM® Customer Portal. The encyclopedia is not part of System Architect’s official commercial offering nor is it supported by the SA Development team. The encyclopedia is provided free to TM Forum members.

The encyclopedia itself has:

  • Metamodel extensions to enable capture of TM Forum Frameworx properties and relationships, which are provided in a tmforum.cfg file, that is called for in the saprops.cfg of the encyclopedia,
  • Content for the eTom, SID, and TAM imported from the TM Forum published work,
  • Explorer diagrams that provide a framework view of each of the frameworks,
  • For the eTOM – process hierarchy diagrams, and BPMN pattern diagrams,
  • For the SID – class models that show low-level service patterns, imported from IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA) via the System Architect-RSA integration that exists in RSA,
  • For the TAM – note that there are not any Application hierarchy diagrams in the encyclopedia – all lowest-level Applications are already grouped and visualized on the TAM Explorer diagram so there is no need for a set of TAM hierarchy diagrams